Permanent life insurance provides lifetime protection. The plan will continue to be in force until your death, regardless of what age that might be, as long as you pay your premiums. Some policies are able to accumulate cash value that can be later withdrawn or taken out as a loan.
There are three types of Permanent life insurance:
Term 100 Life Insurance - affordable plan with guaranteed premiums payable to age 100 at which time they cease. In most cases there is no cash surrender value at any time. Learn more about how Term 100 Life Insurance can work for you.
Whole Life Insurance - combines the benefits of lifelong protection with an investment component. Learn more about how Whole Life Insurance can work for you.
Universal Life Insurance - similar to Whole life insurance, this plan combines the benefits of lifetime protection with an investment portfolio. However, Universal life policy gives you the control over your investments. Learn more about how Universal Life Insurance can work for you.
To receive free, no obligation quote or more information on Permanent life insurance please complete a short enquiry form and we will be happy to assist you.
Peace of mind knowing you are protected for as long as you live.
Some plans have an investment component that allows for cash value accumulation.
Option to withdraw the accumulated cash value to serve your needs.
Option to take a policy loan should the need arise.
Some plans offer guaranteed premiums that will not increase as you age.
Some plans have an option to be paid for in a specific period of time or until certain age. After which time there are no more premiums and you are protected for life.
Looking for permanent protection
Want to focus on wealth accumulation
Want to build upon a solid financial foundation
Already make their allowed annual RSP contribution
Looking for a tax-advantaged returns for non-registered assets
Approaching retirement and desire to focus on protecting their estate
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